This is our secret place (ok, maybe it's not so secret) where we can do the things we love to do and share them with anyone who's interested. I'll write about family, art projects, making movies on Windows Movie Maker and Adobe Premiere Elements and a number of other things. Please comment, respond and ask questions. If you are familiar with WMM and APE, please join me in discussions.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Wow! I learned how to do something. This may be of interest to some of you. Instead of uploading the flash video I created on Adobe Premiere Elements, (which took a long time to upload, by the way) - it is much easier, faster and higher quality to copy the embed code from YouTube and paste that into the HTML code of my blog post.

Just yesterday my best bud and I were joking about my husband's favorite qoute, You have a choice of high-quality, fast or cheap. You can only pick two. A carpenter's mantra.

Guees what...this was all three. It was faster, better quality and cost me less time. Compare this version with the one below which took half and hour to upload and looks like...well, crud!

Yea, YouTube. Now some egg head is going to tell me why it's a bad idea. OK - bring on the eggheads.

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